I discovered Aldi's grocery store a few years ago while visiting in Kansas City. My Mom likes shopping there, so I usually end up shopping there at least once when I'm in town. Like a lot of Moms, my Momma's a bargain shopper, and she when she told me that Aldi's carried quality food at good prices I decided to check them out. Because I only saw them in Kansas City, I thought that Aldi was regional discount grocery market in the mid-west; I was totally wrong. It's a leading global discount supermarket with over 10,000 stores in 18 countries. To my surprise, Aldi is based in Germany. Two brothers Karl and Theo Albrecht founded the chain in 1946 after taking over their mother's store in Essen which had been around since 1913

Aldi Groceries Los Angeles

I started to do a little research on Aldi after seeing a new one that had just opened in Inglewood, Ca. Inglewood is technically not Los Angeles, but I'm from Kansas City, and I consider just about anything in L.A. County, --- Los Angeles. Wow! That means Aldi has arrived in my neck of the woods. Now my family can take advantage of their excellent bargains. To find out if there's an Aldi grocery store near you just click this Aldi link and enter your zip code. You'll also see a link to their weekly sales ad on the web page.
Aldi offers a "strictly no frills" approach to their store which means that they do not decorate their aisles or fill shelves. Items are placed on pallets, similar to those big warehouse shops, and customers pick off of the pallets. Source: Mom Advice

Aldi Grocery Store and Clean Food

Aldi may not be a fancy schmancy grocery store but they excel in charging you a fair price for good food, and occasionally they also have great deals on other products as well. Another thing that put them on my radar is that they are fast becoming known as the "Poor Mans Whole Foods." I discovered that Aldi is a leader in providing fresh pesticide-free free produce
Over the last couple of years, Aldi has been removing certain pesticides and chemicals from its products (which we LOVE) and now- they are going even further! As of January 1st the German grocery store will be removing eight pesticides (Thiamethoxam, Chlorpyrifos, Clothianidin, Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin, Fipronil, Imidacloprid and Sulfoxaflor) from all products on its U.S. store shelves! Source: Erin Elizabeth's Health Nut News
Aldi's has been very successful in the United States. So successful in fact' that they are expanding into wealthier suburbs. It's expensive raising a family and my better half, and I are always happy when we can save a few bucks and watch out for our health too.  Aldi plans to open 500 more stores in the U.S by 2018. See you at Aldi have a great rest of the week.
About the Author David Robinson

Hi, I'm David Robinson, sharpened in Japan, and polished in the Sanctuary. On a relentless mission to watch out for my Tribe, and share what I learn along the way.

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