Car Seats and Safety

Many parents and caregivers are not following car seat safety guidelines. Worse yet, some are not strapping their kids in at all. This causes thousands of kids to be severely injured or killed each year. It's a crying shame because most of these injuries and deaths are entirely preventable. To give your little ones, the best chance of not being hurt or killed in a car accident watch the video below. The short film put out by The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, gives comprehensive instructions about the right way to secure your kid in a car seat. That was a lot of info; I wish I had watched something like that when My children were small. ----Did you know?
Seventy-three percent of car seats are not used or installed correctly, so before you hit the road, check your car seat. Here’s some quick car seat safety steps to help you out. It takes only 15 minutes. Source: Safe Kids Worldwide

Car Seat Safety Guidelines for Cold Weather

The next video tells you the right way to strap children into a car seat in cold weather.----Yes, there is a difference; it's something all parents who live in cold climates need to know. I grew up in Kansas City and winters are sometimes extra frigid back in my hometown. I've never considered the advice these Canadian women ----(Brrr it's cold up there)---- give to their audience, about heavy coats; but it makes perfect sense. If you have any doubt at all, about the correct way to install your car seat; most if not all fire departments will be more than happy to show you how to use it. You can also click the next link, Child Car Seat Inspection Station Locator to find a certified technician who will inspect your babies car seat and show you how to use it. Don't forget to wear your seatbelt. God be with you until we meet again. Copyright: wavebreakmediamicro / 123RF Stock Photo
About the Author David Robinson

Hi, I'm David Robinson, sharpened in Japan, and polished in the Sanctuary. On a relentless mission to watch out for my Tribe, and share what I learn along the way.

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