How to stay married? Now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense. Who better to give advice on how to avoid divorce court than a divorce lawyer. Personally, I think knowing who you're marrying before jumping the broom is paramount; if you plan on staying together. After you're already married; is not the time to find out that both of you are as stubborn as two Missouri mules.

Divorce Lawyer's Excellent Advice, How to Stay Married

More Advice on Staying out of Divorce Court

I would also add, make sure you're on the same page when it comes to children. If one of you wants children and the other one doesn’t, it could be a deal breaker in a relationship. Second, if one or both of you already have kids, You both have to agree on things like discipline and even what type of food you want the kids to eat.  You should know stuff like that well before you tie the knot. Part of the glue that holds my marriage together is that we talked about our kids before we got married. When we married, my wife had two boys ages 12 and 8, and I was bringing along my daughter who was 7. I'm a living witness, that those talks we had before we were married; gave us a strong foundation to build on. The kids are 20, 16 and 15 now. If one or both of you already have kids, You both have to agree on things like discipline or even what type of food you want the kids to eat.  You should know stuff like that well before you tie the knot.

The Ultimate Advice on How to Stay Married

I saved the most helpful advice on how to stay married for last. Drum roll please ----Say a daily prayer for your Wife or Husband, and don't forget to say one for your marriage too. It may sound cliché, but it's true, "A Family that Prays Together, is a Family that Stays Together." I like what this page says about praying together, (Click Here) check it out I'm sure that you'll like it. I didn't look at the entire site, so I'm only vouching for this page now. If you see something you don't agree with, don't send me a thousand emails. However, I would be very interested in finding out how you liked this post and the page I linked to, so please leave a comment if you have time to. Have a nice weekend, God be with you until we meet again.
About the Author David Robinson

Hi, I'm David Robinson, sharpened in Japan, and polished in the Sanctuary. On a relentless mission to watch out for my Tribe, and share what I learn along the way.

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