Take one look at the nutritional facts of the avocado, and you'll see it's the best food in the entire world. Well... if not the best food in the world it's very close. Maybe delicious avocados are tied with wheat germ or some other non-appetizing dish for best food in the world. The first thing we need to find out is, exactly what is an avocado? Is it a fruit or a vegetable? It didn't take long to locate the answer to that question. An avocado is a fruit. In fact
The avocado is actually a berry! Avocados are considered a fruit because they fit all of the botanical criteria for a berry. Source: Click here for the best Avocado Blog on the internet
Toasted tomato, avocado, cucumber & hummus sandwich
I know you're busy, so let's get started

Nutrition Facts of Avocado

  1. They have insoluble fibre. Insoluble fibres cannot be digested, says registered dietitian Jessica Tong of Vancouver. It helps keep you regular, lowers cholesterol, keeps your blood sugar stable and may help you to lose weight. When you eat an avocado or something made with avocados like guacamole, the fiber helps give you a feeling of fullness. "It adds bulk to promote digestive health," she says.
  2. It also contains soluble fibre. Tong says soluble fibre binds cholesterol in the intestines and helps to eliminate it from the body altogether.
  3. Avocados are loaded with healthy fats. Not all fats are bad for you. "They contain both mono and polyunsaturated fats that can help to reduce blood cholesterol levels and lower the risk of heart disease," Tong says. One cup of sliced avocados can have up to 15 grams of fat.
  4. Everybody knows oranges are high in vitamin C but did you know avocados also contain vitamin C? One cup will give you 20% of your Daily Recommended Value of Vitamin C
  5. Avocado also has lutein: a carotenoid antioxidant essential for eye health. One 2005 study found that California Hass avocados had the highest amounts of lutein compared to other commonly eaten fruits.  The National Center For Biotechnology Information says that "Avocados contain lutein and other bioactive substances including carotenoids, which might contribute to cancer preventive properties similar to those attributed to other fruits and vegetables that may have cancer prevention properties." 
  6. Avocados are rich in folate, a major B vitamin for the proper function of cells, tissues, and organs.
  7. "Avocados are an excellent source of vitamin K, which plays a significant role in proper blood clotting," One cup has about 0.6 grams of vitamin K.
  8. Potassium can help to offset some of the harmful effects that sodium has on blood pressure, Tong adds. One 100 gram serving of avocado has 485 mg of potassium -- that's more than a banana!
  9. "Vitamin B6 helps to form healthy red blood cells," Tong says. One serving of 100 grams of avocado has 15 percent of your daily intake of vitamin B6.
  10. Lastly, avocados are naturally sodium-free, making the fruit a good choice for people concerned with high blood pressure and heart health.
I could eat avocados every day; I like them that much. It's a good thing that the nutrition facts of avocado make it an excellent selection for people eating a healthy diet.  But don't tell that to these babies in the video below as they taste avocado for the first time. It's hilarious. See you soon. https://youtu.be/-sQiFaBc9Tc      
About the Author David Robinson

Hi, I'm David Robinson, sharpened in Japan, and polished in the Sanctuary. On a relentless mission to watch out for my Tribe, and share what I learn along the way.

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