The Art of the Quick Clean up

Has this ever happened to you? You're kicking back at home watching T.V. or maybe even sleep and A friend, or relative calls to tell you they're dropping by your place? You've been busy all week, and you haven't had time to clean up the house, room or apartment. So, what can you do before your mother-in-law, sister or friend shows up? They are going to arrive at your house in about an hour, so you don't have time to do a thorough clean up job. You're going to have to wing it to get finished before they show up. You're going to have to do a quick clean up. Watch the video above, have a few laughs and get some marvelous tips on how to clean up in a hurry. Have a beautiful week. God be with you until we meet again. Source  
About the Author David Robinson

Hi, I'm David Robinson, sharpened in Japan, and polished in the Sanctuary. On a relentless mission to watch out for my Tribe, and share what I learn along the way.

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